The Collection
Welcome to The Everton Collection - the world's greatest club collection of football memorabilia. You can now search over 18,000 items in the Collection with 1,000s of images freely available to view.

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News & Events
Thousands of new images added to the website
More than 13,000 additional images from the Collection go live on this website from 24 November 2011.
The Everton Collection at the Museum of Liverpool

Memorabilia from the Everton Collection is now on display at the new Museum of Liverpool. 

Everton fan donates Howard Kendall's England schoolboys shirt
Howard Kendall's ESFA shirt has a new home at the Everton Collection. More...
Final Minute Book Transcripts - Now Live!
Transcripts from the final eight minute books (1935-64) are now live. Search for a player, team or event and the transcripts will automatically found the relevant minute book page. Highlights include details on the signing of Brian Labone and the sacking of Johnny Carey. More...
NEW! Everton Collection DVD now available!

A new DVD has just been released by The Everton Collection Charitable Trust, featuring interviews with the late Alan Ball MBE, Mick Lyons, Dave Hickson and David Moyes. More...